Who Joins?
All ages,
All backgrounds,
All Cultures -
All Brothers
Who can join?
Before you are invited to join we will want to know a little more about you and you will need to confirm your suitability as an honest, law-abiding man of good character.
You must be over 18 and must affirm your belief in a Supreme Being.
You should never be coerced or pressured into joining but a Freemason may nominate you. If you do not know any Freemasons to nominate you, simply fill in our ‘Start a conversation about becoming a Freemason’ form to be considered.
Freemasons are ordinary men inspired by an extraordinary legacy
What is Freemasonry all about?

Freemasonry has evolved over the centuries. It had its roots in ancient Egypt and was active as a ‘trade organisation’ for stonemasons in medieval times. Over the past three centuries, it has become a life inspiration for men from all walks of life who want to make more of themselves, to support each other and to enhance their communities.
It is founded on a system of knowledge that uses many ancient symbols and stories to pass on its humanitarian values and timeless wisdom.
The tradition provides values that transcend materialism and complement the codes of all great faiths.
For the increasing numbers of people who have an innate belief in a Supreme Being but are not overtly ‘religious’, Freemasonry gives life a deeper dimension of meaning.
You can rest assured that the bizarre conspiracies theories you read on the internet are not true.